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We Are Not the Same

JP 12-16-15 img1Let me start by saying that this blog title is a statement, not hate speech. There seems to be a growing voice led by Pope Francis that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. This is not a new argument, as the three main monotheistic religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, are often compared. We all basically believe that through Abraham, God’s people would inherit the earth. We drift apart from there. The primary disagreement between Christianity and Judaism is that Christians believe Jesus was and is the prophesied Messiah who is mentioned more than 300 times in the Old Testament. Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet who will one day return to point people to the true Muslim Messiah, the Mahdi, or 12th Imam. I’m painting with broad strokes here because we are going to focus on what the Pope apparently believes.

JP 12-16-15 img2Since Jorge Mario Bergoglio was named Pope, he has attempted to draw commonalities between Islam and Christianity. His motivation seems to be that of a peacemaker rather than a truth teller. Otherwise, he does it because he believes the darkest of lies. The quotes I am about to share with you can be viewed within the context of the Pope’s complete messages by clicking on the links embedded in the dates (the third point is a news article). You can then judge for yourselves if I have taken them out of context.

Consider some of what Pope Francis has said since his inauguration. I’ve added some underlines for emphasis:

March 20, 2013
I greet and thank cordially all of you, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; firstly the Muslims, who worship the one living and merciful God, and call upon Him in prayer.

November 24, 2013
We must never forget that they [Muslims] “profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, who will judge humanity on the last day.”

June 8, 2014
For the first time in history, the Pope allowed the Koran to be read and Muslim prayers offered at the Vatican.
You can also watch it here.

November 30, 2015
Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters. 

It should be of concern to the 1.2 billion Catholics (many of whom are Christians) that the Vicar of Christ (has the power and authority of Christ over the global church) apparently believes He serves the same God as Muslims do. I assume a percentage of Muslims, Jews, and Christians like me are offended by these claims.

Let me paint a contrasting picture to the Pope’s views through a few New Testament verses:

Jesus is THE difference between Christianity and the other two “religions” (as we are in “relationship” with God through Jesus). Paul quoted the Old Testament in 2 Corinthians 6:16b:

I will live with them and walk among them [as Jesus, the Son],
and I will be their God, and they will be my people.

Yes, God created everything and everyone, but not everyone is His spiritual child.

Yet to all who did receive him [Jesus], to those who believed in his name,
he gave the right to become children of God
. John 1:12

What did Jesus say is the only way to God?

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Even if you don’t believe that we Christians have it right, you simply can’t argue that we worship the same God that Muslims worship.

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