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Pet Peeves

JP 6-29-16 img1A recent Twitter post of my own spurned a more in-depth blog post. We all have pet peeves—things that just keep happening and absolutely drive us crazy. Here are a few of mine in no particular order. Some are just for fun and some are more serious.

Pet Peeve: Ordering at a fast-food restaurant and the food is not ready. What in the world are you doing with your time, fry guy? You’re paid to have the food ready. What else do you have to do with your time?!

Pet Peeve: Coaches wearing suits. I realize you want to be taken seriously, but you work in a gym (or on a field). I will still respect you if you wear sweats—especially if you win.

Pet Peeve: “Where two or more are gathered…” If I hear one more churchgoer invoke this sentence out of context, I’m going to pull out what’s left of my hair. Isn’t God with you when you are alone too?

Pet Peeve: Newborn babies are cute. People, let’s be honest. They’re all a bit unsightly. Thankfully, they improve with age.

Pet Peeve: Proclaiming that love and life is precious, but you’re pro-abortion. This is hypocrisy at its finest. At least stop claiming you want equal rights for everyone.

Pet Peeve: Politicians. I believe I can speak for everyone that this is the most depressing election cycle in recent memory. Can we get a do-over?

Pet Peeve: Being for free speech except when it conflicts with your views. You can’t have it both ways. Free speech is free speech.

Pet Peeve: Someone driving slowly in the fast lane. Hey, Uncle Ned from Florida! Can’t you see that I’m an aggressive driver and you’re forcing me to curse in front of my children?

Pet Peeve: Separation of church and state. Please keep showing your ignorance by stating that this phrase is: (1) from one of our country’s founding documents and (2) meant to keep Christianity out of government.

I could probably think of at least a dozen more, and you have your own set, of course. My wife could come up with a lot more just in the ways I drive her crazy. So, what’s my advice to you the next time a pet peeve occurs and you’re about to blow your stack? Take a deep breath and remember that you are also someone else’s pet peeve.

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