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News Flash: Jesus Ain’t Coming Back Today

waiting largeIf you are a Christian, perhaps you have heard the phrase, “the imminent return of Christ”. This is the belief that nothing has to happen – that no prophecy needs to be fulfilled – before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In other words, be ready at any moment for His return. Be waiting at the curb for a ride to heaven’s gates because Jesus clearly stated in Matthew 24:35 that “No one knows the day or the hour,” right?

In regards to the Rapture of the church, only those who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture believe in Christ’s imminent return. This makes logical sense; if someone believes in a mid-tribulation, post-tribulation, or pre-wrath rapture, they believe that certain prophesied events must happen before our exit ticket is punched.

Now, in this article I’m not trying to prove the timing of the rapture, but rather to cast doubt on the concept of the imminent return of Christ. This can be done with just a basic understanding of the Jewish feasts. I’ve written on this in a previous devotional, which gives additional detail beyond what I’ll share here. And some things deserve rephrasing and repeating anyway.

Christians with an understanding of our faith’s Hebrew roots believe that Jesus is the fulfillment of the feasts that Jews have celebrated through the centuries. Jesus fulfilled the spring feasts around His First Coming and will fulfill the fall feasts around His Second Coming. You can click on these two previous links for a brief summary of each feast. Here is also a simplified chronological chart to give you a snapshot:

JP 3-2-16 img2

The feast we’re going to focus on today is the Feast of Trumpets, celebrated around August or September on our calendar. It’s worth noting that Christians are divided as to whether this feast will be fulfilled at the Rapture or at the Second Coming, which is why both are listed in the chart. I’m not going to try to convince you one way or the other.

Simply put, this particular feast is a little unpredictable because it starts with the appearance of the new moon, which is confirmed by two independent and appointed witnesses. Therefore, “no one knows the day or hour” that the feast starts until the confirmation takes place and is proclaimed with trumpets.

This specific feast is what Jesus was referring to when He told His disciples about His return. In my research, “No one knows the day or hour” is a Jewish idiom, or figure of speech, that refers to the uncertain start day of the Feast of Trumpets. As mentioned, End-of-the-Age fulfillment revolves around the Fall Feasts, and Jesus is using an unmistakable phrase referring to a future Feast of Trumpets. Paul even tells us that Jesus will return with the blast of the trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16).

The important lesson here is to study historical and cultural context. It is necessary for a full and rich understanding of the Bible, and should be a pursuit for all of us.

Therefore, since today is March 2nd (the date this blog entry is posted), I can tell you with a good bit of confidence that “Jesus ain’t coming back today”. It’s simply not the right time or season of the year. Uncertainty over which future Feast of Trumpets Jesus will return on does not equate to an imminent return.

Regardless of whether you agree or not, as believers we can agree to a continual surrendering of our lives to Jesus, to serving Him by serving others, and to making each day count for eternity. When we believe He will return should have no bearing on how we live for Him today.

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