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Mites, Minas, and Talents


Understanding some currency of Jesus’ day

“Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others.”
Luke 21:3

The Bible talks a lot about money – hundreds and hundreds of verses in fact. One could easily conclude, then, that God wants us to have a proper perspective of it. Let’s look at two extreme examples of monetary units, and try to understand their value, so that we can have a deeper appreciation for the messages they convey.

The Widow’s Mite is a story found in Mark 12:41-44, and Luke 21:1-4, and is a popular story today. It encourages us to sacrificially give from the heart. This poor widow put in all that she had – two small copper coins. This was the equivalent of less than our penny, and therefore, not worth much.

The Parable of the Minas is in Luke 19:11-27. A mina equaled 100 drachmas. The drachma was a Greek coin and was basically equivalent to the denarius, a Roman coin. This one coin was worth a day’s wages (Matthew 20:2). So this means that the servants in the parable were given the equivalent of 100 days’ wages to steward. Not a small amount!

The more often quoted Parable of the Talents can be found in Matthew 25:14-30. A talent was a unit of exchange valued at 60 minas and weighed around 75 pounds. So the servant given 10 talents was given 750 pounds to steward – and he wisely doubled it.

We use the word “talent” today because of this parable, and use it to describe whatever gift God has given us to steward. That’s a good lesson to remember. The Lord doesn’t care about the amount He’s given us – be it two small coins or a heavy boatload. He cares what we do with it. Let’s think about what God has given us to steward: money, abilities, relationships, leadership position, etc. Ask Him to show you how to best utilize your talents for His glory. They all belong to Him and are only given to you for a season, so make it count!

After a life of faithful stewardship, may we hear these words:
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!
You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.
Come and share your master’s happiness!’”

Matthew 25:21

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