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Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
Proverbs 3:5-7

Let me stress that it was not my goal to convince you of anything other than a deeper study of God’s prophetic word on your own. God gave you a brain and a heart to look into spiritual matters yourself. You may have been able to deduce the way I lean on a particular prophetic topic, and that’s okay. Don’t be offended if we see things differently.

It has also been my goal to sound the alarm to Christians about America’s impending downfall. If you are not awake to this and have read this devotional, you will not be able to claim ignorance when things head south. Focus your time and energy on feeding your spiritual hunger through a deep and personal walk with the Lord, and in your witness through word and deed in everyday circumstances. A day may be coming when your faith will be exercised like never before.

I hope you have taken advantage of the weblog over the course of this month (feedthehunger.org/blog). If not, let me remind you that you can find the previous devotionals there. It is also a forum, so if you have any questions that you would like for me to (try to) answer on this devotional or other subjects, just make a post. We will also post other stories and updates from the ministry on a separate blog on the website. As always, there is a standing invitation to contact us with any questions, concerns, or prayer requests.

If I could leave you today with one passage to encourage you regarding prophecy, America’s troubled future, and the End of the Age, it would be from perhaps an unlikely book in the Bible. These words above from Proverbs 3:5-7 express what I am trying to say in Terminus, and a bottom line for our lives.

Let me close with these thoughts. We looked at some troubling passages yesterday about the failure to stand firm in our faith. I encourage you and warn you to stand for Christ in these troubling days. We must stand with Him at all costs, even our very lives. The price is great if we do not. Jesus warns us in Matthew 10:32-33 that if we disown Him before others, He will disown us before God. Let’s be found faithfully serving the One who deserves our very lives. Amen!

1 Comment
  1. Thank you, Joseph for pointing us to Scriptural Truth and prophesies God has laid on your heart. May we be awake and alert and in the Word and prayer!

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