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Hygiene Pack

Feed the Hunger has developed a new, hands-on mission opportunity for you to make a difference. The new Hygiene Packathon lines up with our mission to meet the most basic needs of people around the world!

A Hygiene Packathon includes the same fun, assembly-line-style process as our food Packathon (and at the same cost!). During a two-hour shift, participants assemble four hygiene items that improve overall health and well-being: a bar of soap, a washcloth, a toothbrush, and five adhesive bandages.

Vulnerable children and those in crisis live in conditions that make maintaining or even practicing good hygiene difficult. Imagine the difference it makes being able to wash your hands with soap, brush your teeth, and clean and cover a wound. Hygiene Packs are designed to help decrease infections, reduce school absences, and improve oral health.

Several of our partners have received Hygiene Packs and have distributed them to children in places like Haiti, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, and Ukraine. Hygiene Packs have also gone to help the Rohingya people living in the world’s largest refugee camp.

Your church, business, or school can provide help, hope, and hygiene essentials by hosting a Hygiene Packathon. Reach out to packathon@feedthehunger.org for more information!

Mailing Address

PO Box 14874
Greensboro, NC 27415
Phone: (888) 772-9634
Fax: (336) 570-1392

Feed the Hunger is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization. Our tax ID is 56-0953324. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent provided by the law.

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Feed the Hunger does not share or sell donor/support information with any other institutions. Furthermore, Feed the Hunger has taken the necessary precautions to secure all information transferred on-line.
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