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Merry Xmas

JP 12-23-15 img1Happy Holidays. Season’s Greetings. Merry Xmas. Anything but the name of Jesus. As the media convinces the American masses to be more and more “politically correct” at this time of year, free speech is hurt, and yet, the church grows quieter. To speak out publicly against this nonsense means being labeled a purveyor of hate speech, offensive, or an extremist. We are truly moving into an era where right is called wrong and vice versa (Isaiah 5:20).

Here are just some of the lies being spread both outside and inside the Body of Christ, now and throughout the year. Perhaps one of these might cause you to pause and examine your own thoughts and motives:

  • Christmas is for everyone, no matter its Christian origin, so let’s keep it religiously neutral
  • Men and women aren’t different and should be treated the same in every circumstance
  • Abortion isn’t murder because it’s not a baby
  • We don’t need to tithe because Jesus freed us from legalism
  • Marriage can be between any two people because love is love
  • Christians and Muslims worship the same God (or even that all paths lead to the same end)
  • Caring for the environment is only for liberals and “tree huggers”
  • Why should we help people overseas when there is need here (as if it’s an either/or proposition)?

JP 12-23-15 img2The sources of these lies seemingly seek to label themselves as the “enlightened ones”, operating on a wiser plane, and beacons of progressive thought. I would argue that they couldn’t be more lost from a Biblical perspective.

We have a saying around our office that “rationalization has no upper limits”. It’s never been truer for America than it is now. It’s also true for each of us to some degree if we’re being honest. Aren’t we all guilty of rationalizing our sins, especially habitual ones? Therefore, we are also hypocrites when we point out the faults and errant beliefs of others without acknowledging and dealing with our own.

As we celebrate CHRISTmas this week, I encourage you to do the following:

  • Praise God for sending His Son as Savior of the world
  • Ask for forgiveness for your sins and seek to turn away from them for good (repentance)
  • Seek ways to share and demonstrate the truth in love to those who have been deceived or are deceiving themselves.

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance:
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.

1 Timothy 1:15

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